1. PCORI Releases RFP for Dissemination and Implementation Action Plan, click here to view the RFP.
2. PIPC to Host 2013 Forum on November 5 in Washington D.C., click here for more information.
3. Upcoming PCORI Events and Webinars, see details below.
4. Webinar: National Health Council Leads Development of CER Usability Criteria, click here to register for the event.
5. PCORI Welcomes New AHRQ Director Richard Kronick to Its Board of Governors, click here to view the press release from PCORI.
6. PCORI Blog: Patient and Clinician Survey Reveals Encouraging Attitudes Towards CER, click here to view the blog post and to read further into the survey results.
PCORI is seeking a contractor to develop an action plan for the dissemination and implementation (“D&I”) of comparative effectiveness research (CER) findings, as well as the process for evaluating those efforts. PCORI recently issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for such a plan; questions about the RFP are due by Monday, Sept. 16 and proposals by Friday, Oct. 25. According to a release from PCORI, “The RFP resulted from a roundtable we held to gain experts' insights on how to best close the persistent gap between research findings and improved practice. To learn more about this effort, watch the archive of the roundtable and read a blog post by Anne Beal, MD, MPH, our Deputy Executive Director and Chief Officer for Engagement. Click here to view the RFP.
2. PIPC to Host 2013 Forum on November 5 in Washington D.C.
The 2013 Partnership to Improve Patient Care (PIPC) Forum will be hosted on Tuesday, November 5 from 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm at the Reserve Officers Association in Washington DC. We hope you will save the date for this exciting event, and additional information will be provided in regards to the event in the near future. Click here to view on the PIPC website.
3. Upcoming PCORI Events and Webinar
Webinar: Advisory Panel: Improving Healthcare Systems (IHS)
September 9, 2013, 1:00 - 3:00PM (ET)
The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Program on Improving Healthcare Systems (IHS) will host the second IHS Advisory Panel meeting on September 9, 2013. The event will convene the IHS Advisory Panel members to further refine our research agenda and activities and discuss their role in the process. Click here to register.
Special Board of Governors Teleconference/Webinar on PFA Cycle III (April 2013) and Inaugural Improving PCOR Methods Funding Awards
September 10, 2013, 12:00 - 1:00PM (ET)
Board members will consider approving the latest proposed slate of patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) projects. On the agenda are projects submitted under Cycle III of our broad PCORI Funding Announcements (PFAs), plus the inaugural round of awards for improving PCOR methods. The Board also will consider a proposed contract for the Coordinating Center that will help to manage the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network. Click here to register for the teleconference / webinar.
Webinar: Advisory Panel on Addressing Disparities
September 11, 2013, 1:00 - 4:00PM (ET)
The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Program on Addressing Disparities (AD) will host the second AD Advisory Panel meeting on September 11, 2013. The event will convene the AD Advisory Panel members to further refine their research agenda and activities. Click here to register.
Webinar: Promising Practices of Meaningful Engagement in the Conduct of Research
September 19, 2013, 1:00 - 2:00PM (ET)
Hear from PCORI-funded research and stakeholder partners about successful practices of patient and stakeholder engagement in all stages of the research process, from helping craft the research question to ensuring dissemination of the research results. Participants will also learn about opportunities to get involved in patient-centered research and our work here at PCORI. Click here to register for the teleconference / webinar.
PCORI Board of Governors Meeting
September 23, 2013
Washington D.C., The Westin Georgetown
The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) has announced that they will hold their Board of Governors meeting on September 23, 2013. PIPC Chairman Tony Coelho urges PIPC members and other stakeholders to attend the meeting and remain engaged with PCORI on issues relating to patient centered CER. No additional information has been provided to this point, but an agenda and registration will be posted here as it becomes available.
4. Webinar: National Health Council Leads Development of CER Usability Criteria
The National Health Council (NHC) announced in February of 2013 that they would lead the effort to establish a patient centered usability criteria to maximize the value of comparative effectiveness research (CER). According to a February 7 editorial from NHC, “Usability criteria would be created by an entity knowledgeable about research methodology and address uncertainty, relevance, heterogeneity, and other issues pertinent to evaluating research findings. More importantly, the criteria would help investigators structure their research to answer the questions that are most important to patients, their family caregivers, healthcare providers, and policy makers… Without predetermined usability criteria, and a transparent process for evaluation comparative effectiveness research findings, the intended audiences are left without a roadmap to identify high-quality, useful information.” Click here to view the article.
On Monday, September 30, from 9:30 am - 3:00 pm, an event will be held in Washington D.C. to discuss the CER Usability Criteria. Participants are invited for “a conversation and symposium featuring a broad range of health care stakeholders—patients, providers, policymakers, payers, researchers, and those who fund research. We’ll focus on an effort led by the National Health Council to create a framework to guide the development of CER, evaluate its results, and assist in communicating the findings to the right audiences.” Click here to register for the event.
5. PCORI Welcomes New AHRQ Director Richard Kronick to Its Board of Governors
According to a press release from PCORI, newly named Director of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Dr. Richard Kronick, will join the Board of Governors. “With his background and expertise in areas such as the use of "big data" for health research, evidence-based care, health care financing, and barriers impeding access to quality care, Dr. Kronick will bring valuable insights to our Board,’ said PCORI Executive Director Joe Selby, MD, MPH. ‘We look forward to working with Rick to forge a PCORI research agenda that complements AHRQ's contributions and a dissemination strategy that we'll implement in partnership with the agency.’” Click here to view the press release.
An article published this week in CQ HealthBeat notes, “Kronick is perhaps best known for a 1989 New England Journal of Medicine article co-authored with Stanford University professor Alain Enthoven. It proposed a system of universal coverage under which large purchasers would use their bargaining power to require health plans to compete in marketplaces structured to reward insurers that provided affordable, quality care… Kronick moves over to AHRQ from his position as the Department of Health and Human Services’ deputy assistant secretary for planning and evaluation, where he oversaw the Office of Health Policy.” Click here to view the article (subscription only).
6. PCORI Blog: Patient and Clinician Survey Reveals Encouraging Attitudes Towards CER
According a the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), a new survey of patients, caregivers, and primary-care clinicians reveals encouraging attitudes towards comparative effectiveness research (CER). According to a blog post from PCORI staff, “The physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, and physician assistants surveyed showed strong support for clinical research. About three in four agreed CER can improve the quality of patient care, and most also agreed that CER should be used to develop clinical-practice guidelines.” Click here to view the blog post and to read further into the survey results.