1. Senate HELP Committee Discusses International Pricing, Germany and Health Technology Assessment, see details below.
2. Inside Health Policy: PIPC Reminds Democrats They Promised Not to Use QALYs, click here to read the article (subscription required).
3. Patient and Disability Stakeholders Applaud the PCORI Board for Approving Principles for Considering the Full Range of Outcomes Data, click here to read the full statement.
4. National Health Council Statement on PCORI Guiding Principles, see details below.
5. CLOSING WEDNESDAY: PCORI Seeks Nominations for Advisory Panels, click here to learn more, submit a nomination, or apply to be on an advisory panel.
6. IVI Webinar Series: Toward Equity in Value Assessment, see details below.
7. Emerging Threats in States like CO, ND, and ME for Use of Discriminatory Metrics, see details below.
8. 2021 AUCD Virtual Gala, click here to learn more and register.
9. Vaccination Equity and Communication, see details below.
10. International News: What Happens in Countries Using QALYs and Cost-Based Thresholds to Determine Coverage? See below for more
11. ICER's QALY-Based Study Topics: Myasthenia Gravis, Atopic Dermatitis, Lupus Nephritis, Multiple Myeloma, Alzheimer's Disease, click here to provide patient input.
12. Upcoming Events and Webinars, see details below.
13. Medical Journal Articles, see details below.
14. AHRQ Effective Program Updates, see details below.