1. AAPD, NCD, and NCIL Caution About the Discriminatory Implications of the QALY and Foreign Reference Pricing, click here to view the webinar.
2. Proposed 'Most Favored Nations' Order Would Import Discriminatory Value Assessments, see details below.
3. New Patient-Centered Research Agenda for Personalized Medicine, click here to read the report.
4. National Academy of Medicine Framework for COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation, see details below.
5. Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Advocate Cautions Americans Against Importing Foreign Drug Pricing Policies, click here to read the blog post.
6. Opinion: Global Pharmaceutical Models Would Destroy U.S. Innovation, click here to read the op-ed.
7. International News: What Happens in Countries Using QALYs and Cost-Based Thresholds to Determine Coverage? See below for more.
8. PCORI Annual Meeting September 16-17, click here to learn more and to register.
9. ICER's QALY-Based Study Topics: Hemophilia A, Sickle Cell Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Cystic Fibrosis, Bladder Cancer, Opioid Treatments, High Cholesterol, Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease, Lupus Nephritis, click here to provide patient input.
10. Upcoming Events and Webinars, see details below.
11. Medical Journal Articles, see details below.
12. AHRQ Effective Program Updates, see details below.