"Since coming together in 2008, PIPC has been very vocal about our dedication to ensuring that patients are at the center of CER, especially patient communities that are often overlooked in research – such as people with disabilities, minority communities and the elderly," said Tony Coelho. "We have shown great support for PCORI and we continue to stay focused on determining ways to incorporate input from patients and providers that will shape PCORI’s work in a meaningful way and produce research that patients see as most pressing."
Participants on the panel included Marc M. Boutin with the National Health Council, Donna R. Cryer, a patient advocate, Mark Horn with Target Health and David Introcaso, a healthcare policy consultant.
About PIPC
The Partnership to Improve Patient Care was formed in November 2008 to support proposals to expand the government's role in comparative effectiveness research that are centered on patient and provider needs; raise awareness about the value of well-designed CER; and promote the important role of continued medical innovation as part of the solution to cost and quality challenges in health care. Partnership members include a wide range of health care organizations representing patient advocacy, provider, and industry groups.
To learn more go to PIPCpatients.org.