“I am very pleased to hear PCORI’s Executive Director, Dr. Joe Selby, explicitly recognize the value of research that engages patients, clinicians and stakeholders to improve health care decision making.
Dr. Selby today underscored the importance and value of conducting patient-centered comparative effectiveness research that addresses a wide range of targeted research priorities focused on improving care delivered to each patient. This includes not only specific tests and treatments, but questions about care management, organization and delivery. PIPC has long supported this approach and understands that to get to questions that matter most to patients, it is essential to have an open, transparent process that identifies specific research priorities.
To support this important PCORI function, PIPC recently released a framework (White Paper; flow chart) for priority-setting that establishes an open and transparent process that engages patients and other stakeholders. I applaud Dr. Selby for his continued effort to follow the broad legislative mandate of PCORI to conduct comparative clinical effectiveness research in a manner that is patient-centered and ultimately useful at the point of health care decision making. PCORI is making progress and I look forward to our continued collaboration.”
PIPC's Steering Committee is comprised of the following organizations: The Alliance for Aging Research, the American Association of People with Disabilities, the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, the American Gastroenterological Association, the American Osteopathic Association, the Association of Clinical Research Organizations, BIO, Easter Seals, the Epilepsy Foundation, the National Association for Hispanic Health, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, PhRMA, and the American Association for Cancer Research. PIPC can also be followed on Facebook and Twitter at @pipcpatients.