Supporting the participation of racial and ethnic minority Americans in comparative effectiveness research is only one step in ensuring that CER achieves its potential in improving patient care and reducing health disparities, Mr. Coelho added. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act creates a solid foundation for achieving this goals through CER provisions that create an independent research Institute with broad representation from the patient and provider communities, as well as recognition of patient differences, and a research agenda that includes aspects of the health delivery system that can contribution to disparities.
Mr. Coelho made his remarks earlier today at the joint 2010 CBC Spring Health Braintrust and Seventh Annual Health Disparities Leadership Summit, which is sponsored by the National Minority Quality Forum in collaboration with the Congressional Black Caucus Braintrust.
He also said that PIPC supports government efforts to recruit more minority participants into medical research studies, and specifically the more than $3 million that was awarded this year to get more minority participation in cancer studies.
Comparative effectiveness research evaluates and compares the implications and outcomes of health care strategies to address a particular medical condition. CER can be a valuable asset to physicians and patients by enabling them to consider available scientific evidence, along with the individual patient’s unique needs and preferences, in providing the best care for each patient.
About PIPC
The Partnership to Improve Patient Care was formed in November 2008 to support proposals to expand the government’s role in comparative effectiveness research that are centered on patient and provider needs; raise awareness about the value of well-designed CER; and promote the important role of continued medical innovation as part of the solution to cost and quality challenges in health care. Partnership members include a wide range of health care organizations representing patient, provider and industry advocacy groups.
To learn more about PIPC, visit

PIPC NMQF Summit.pdf |