“Learning what works in healthcare is an essential element of healthcare reform,” said Rep. Schrader. “The Comparative Effectiveness Research Act of 2009 will help make sure patients and doctors have the right information at the right time to make the best health care decisions. This will lead to better quality and better value in health care.”
Along with Representative Schrader and Mr. Coelho in announcing the new legislation were Congressman Ron Kind (WI-3) and Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz (PA-13).
Mr. Coelho noted that the Comparative Effectiveness Research Act of 2009 was modeled on similar legislation introduced last year by Senators Kent Conrad (D-ND) and Max Baucus (D-MT), which includes many important elements of CER policy that is focused on patient care and quality improvement. The Comparative Effectiveness Research Act of 2009 creates a private, independent Institute to support comparative clinical effectiveness research, and includes provisions to focus the Institute on communicating results to patients and providers, ensure openness and transparency, and define a research agenda centered on patient and provider information needs.
About PIPC
The Partnership to Improve Patient Care was formed in November 2008 to support new comparative effectiveness research proposals that are centered on patient and provider needs; raise awareness about the value of well-designed CER; and promote the important role of continued medical innovation as part of the solution to cost and quality challenges in health care. Partnership members include a wide range of healthcare organizations representing patient, provider and industry advocacy groups.

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