1. CPI: PIPC Chairman Coelho Applauds PCORI for Patient-Centered Research
2. ICYMI: PIPC Chairman Coelho: Engage Patients in Care Delivery, click here to view the article.
3. Blog: Can Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Improve Health Care?, click here to view the blog post.
4. Do Quality Metrics Hurt Patient Care?, click here to view the article.
5. Blog: Getting to the Essence of Value in Health Care, click here to view the blog post.
6. Video: Troy Trygstad Discusses Patient-Centered Approaches to Healthcare, click here to view the video.
The Center for Public Integrity outlined the views of the various stakeholders related to the work of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute. Related to PCORI’s value to patients themselves, the article noted that, "Though it may be largely unknown to the public, PCORI has won support from a wide range of parties. Tony Coelho, a former Democratic congressman from California who chairs the Partnership to Improve Patient Care, said the institute takes pains to 'get first-hand views on what questions really matter to patients.’ Coelho’s group, a coalition of patient advocates, drug manufacturers and medical groups, applauds PCORI for conducting research 'in a manner that is patient-centered and ultimately useful at the point of health care decision making.’ Other experts said that putting patients first is itself a worthy research legacy.” Click here to view the article.
2. ICYMI: PIPC Chairman Coelho: Engage Patients in Care Delivery
As PIPC Chairman Tony Coelho explains in a recent op-ed for Morning Consult, “There’s a lot of talk right now about moving health care towards value-based payment models. But will these new models reward care that patients actually value? Maybe. It depends, first and foremost, on bringing patients into the conversation and giving them a meaningful voice… Last month, we hosted a Roundtable Discussion featuring seventeen patient advocate leaders that focused on identifying ways to build a patient-centered healthcare system that is evaluated upon metrics that are important to the patient. What emerged from this discussion was a remarkable consensus on commonsense, workable approaches that can ensure that the widespread adoption of alternative payment models (APMs) will serve to empower patients and draw them towards the center of care delivery.”
“Foremost among our Roundtable’s recommendations is the recognition that the transition towards new models of payment and delivery presents a unique opportunity to involve patients further in their own care. The value of alternative payment models involves more than payment; it must also encompass a definition of value for patients… HHS should develop more transparent procedures that elicit input and guidance from patients to understand how to better align mandates and incentives to support patient engagement, driving health systems to change behavior and culture toward effective engagement… the Roundtable recommended that HHS create a Coordinating Council on Patient Engagement for agencies to share their experiences in patient engagement and collaborate on best practices… [HHS] should consider adding patient-centered outcome measures to the electronic infrastructure that supports health systems… Finally, the Roundtable noted that an increase in accountability for patient engagement is required in accountable care organizations (ACOs) and other APMs.” Click here to view the article.
3. Blog: Can Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Improve Health Care?
Thomas Concannon of The RAND Corporation recentently commented on The RAND Blog, “Recent investments in patient-centered research have been large and rapidly scaled up. On one level, the United States has embarked on this course because we believe it is the right thing to do; it may help us to meet the important goal of supporting broad participation in the use of public dollars. However, we also do it in the belief that it will change health care by supporting patients and clinicians to make better decisions. It is time now to take stock of how much patient-centered research we are doing, how well we are doing it, and whether it improves health care.” Click here to view the blog post.
4. Do Quality Metrics Hurt Patient Care?
A recent article in Healthcare IT News reports on a new survey from The Commonwealth Fund and the Kaiser Family Foundation which finds “50 percent of physicians responding see healthcare information technology as a boon for quality care. The physicians say the increased use of quality metrics to assess provider performance is having a negative impact on quality of care. Far fewer (22 percent) see quality metrics as having a positive impact on quality.” Click here to view the article.
5. Blog: Getting to the Essence of Value in Health Care
In a blog post for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, former Health Affairs editor Susan Dentzer comments, “President Obama's Precision Medicine Initiative, the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute, and proposed legislation in the US House of Representatives on 21st Century Cures, all have in common the core understanding that a given health intervention that works for one person may not work for another. According to Colin Hill, chairman and CEO of GNS Healthcare, a good guess is that about half of treatments given today fall into that category, leading to $500 billion to $1 trillion annually in what in effect is health care waste.” Click here to view the blog post.
6. Video: Troy Trygstad Discusses Patient-Centered Approaches to Healthcare
In a video for The American Journal of Managed Care, Troy Trygstad, PharmD, MBA, PhD, vice president of pharmacy programs at Community Care of North Carolina, expressed the importance of a healthcare approach that concentrates on patient care and various delivery models that, in the end, promote long-term health and changes in health trajectory.” Click here to view the video.