1. PIPC White Papers on Increasing Patient Engagement at CMMI and in Value Assessment, click here to view the CMMI White Paper and here to view the value assessment White Paper.
2. PIPC Hosts 7th Annual Forum: Patient Voices, Patient Value: Developing Patient-Centered Solutions, click here for a recap of the event.
3. CMS BLOG: Improving the Quality of Care for Medicare Beneficiaries by Increasing Patient Engagement, click here to view the blog post.
4. Sign and Share Petition to Give Patients and People Served by Health Systems a Voice in Healthcare, click here to view and sign the petition.
5. ICER Posts Draft Scoping Document on Treatments for Osteoporosis, click here to view the press release and here to view the draft scoping document.
6. ICER Releases Final Psoriasis Evidence Report and Meeting Summary; NPF Applauds the Report, click here to view the final report and here to view NPF’s press release.
7. CMS Hosting New Webinar Series on Measure Development, click here to register.
8. The Pink Sheet: Patients' View Of Drug Value Is Focus Of Avalere/FasterCures Framework, click here to view the article. (subscription required)
9. The PCORI Blog: Addressing Disparities in Health Outcomes of People With Asthma, click here to view the blog post. .
10. Upcoming Events and Webinars, see details below.
11. Medical Journal Articles, see details below.
12. AHRQ Effective Program Updates, see details below.
Last Monday, PIPC submitted two White Papers, the first entitled “A Roadmap to Increased Patient Engagement at CMMI” and the second entitled “A Roadmap to Increased Patient Engagement in Value Assessment.” The White Paper on CMMI addresses the fact that CMMI lacks the mechanisms to ensure new payment models are consistently developed and tested in ways that are transparent, that actively engage various stakeholders and that support patient-centered care. In this White Paper, PIPC offers a roadmap for consistent patient engagement in the CMMI model design and testing process. This roadmap draws on best practices employed by CMMI in the development of earlier model tests, as well as best practices for patient engagement that have demonstrated success at the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC). Specifically, PIPC recommends:
- Improve oversight of CMMI by creating a Patient Advisory Panel to ensure patient-centeredness in the agency’s work.
- Require CMMI to follow a consistent process to seek input from patients and caregivers both early in the development of new demonstrations and throughout the implementation and evaluation process.
- Improve the transparency of model test designs and evaluation results.
In the second White Paper on value assessment, PIPC builds on existing calls for patient engagement by providing a guide to developers seeking to create value frameworks and tools that can become the foundation of a truly patient-centered health system. The paper describes best practices in procedures for conducting value assessments that are patient centered; it does not address the equally important issues related to methods used for value assessment. Click here to view the CMMI White Paper and here to view the value assessment White Paper.
2. PIPC Hosts 7th Annual Forum: Patient Voices, Patient Value: Developing Patient-Centered Solutions
At the Partnership to Improve Patient Care’s (PIPC) Seventh Annual Forum, patient and disability advocates highlighted their ongoing efforts to ensure all stakeholders are equipped with the tools they need to fully and meaningfully engage with patients and achieve value for the people served by health systems. Panelists discussed the significant strides the patient-centeredness movement has made through the creation of the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), the FDA’s program for Patient-Focused Drug Development, and the Precision Medicine Initiative, while acknowledging the crossroads the movement currently faces. Both panels debated the struggle between determining the value of health care based on what is cost effective for the average patient or based on achieving outcomes that matter to individual patients and people with disabilities. Moderator Tony Coelho, Chairman of PIPC, led two panels with representatives from the National Health Council, National Patient Advocate Foundation, Faster Cures, Cancer Support Community, Autism Speaks, and the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Click here for a recap of the event.
3. CMS BLOG: Improving the Quality of Care for Medicare Beneficiaries by Increasing Patient Engagement
In a recent Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) blog post, Principal Deputy Administrator and Chief Medical Officer Patrick Conway and Andy B. Bindman, M.D. Director, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality discuss improving the quality of care for Medicare beneficiaries by increasing patient engagement. “Engaging and empowering individuals to take ownership of their health involves giving people the tools they need to navigate the health care system – making health care information more accessible and helping to ensure that the patient’s voice is heard,” they write. Conway and Bindman go on to announce two new models from the CMS Innovation Center that will increase patient engagement in care decisions by putting more information in the hands of Medicare beneficiaries. These two Beneficiary Engagement and Incentives (BEI) Models are the Shared Decision Making Model (SDM Model) and the Direct Decision Support Model (DDS Model). Click here to view the blog post.
4. Sign and Share Petition to Give Patients and People Served by Health Systems a Voice in Healthcare
Sign and share PIPC Chairman Tony Coelho’s recently launched petition calling on health care stakeholders to recognize patients and people served by health system’s movement for greater say in their own health care. “We urge both the media and politicians to take heed of what matters to us… because in the end, we are all patients,” Chairman Coelho writes.
Join the petition to all those who define your health care to say…
- We insist that on engaging patients, caregivers, and people living with incurable diseases or lifelong disabilities in health care decision-making.
- We want to be at the center of health care.
- We want policies to explicitly empower consumers, patients and providers.
- We want to know what decisions about our health are being made by the government.
- We want a health care system that rewards the outcomes that matter to us as patients and participants in this nation’s health system.
- We reject the notion that we should be bundled into one-size-fits-all care models, or valued against one-size-fits-all judgments of cost-effectiveness. Don’t tell us what we’re worth – ask us what we value.
- None of us is average. We are unique individuals with different genetics, characteristics, needs and preferences. Especially in this promising new age of personalized medicine, we are confounded by proposals in vital programs like Medicare that aim to eliminate, rather than empower, choice of treatments.
PIPC encourages every individual to sign and share the petition in order to increase its impact and raise awareness of the important issue. Click here to view and sign the petition.
5. ICER Posts Draft Scoping Document on Treatments for Osteoporosis
The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) has posted a Draft Scoping Document that will shape an upcoming report on treatments for osteoporosis. According to a recent press release, ICER’s report is expected to review the evidence on three anabolic agents: abaloparatide (Radius Health, Inc.), romosozumab (Amgen, Inc. and UCB, Inc.), and teriparatide (Forteo®, Eli Lilly and Co.). It is also anticipated that analyses in the report will provide information on the cost-effectiveness of each of these three agents, as well as potential short-term budget impact of the two emerging therapies. The Draft Scoping Document will be open to public comment for three weeks until December 23, 2016 at 5pm ET. Click here to view the press release and here to view the draft scoping document.
6. ICER Releases Final Psoriasis Evidence Report and Meeting Summary; NPF Applauds the Report
The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) has released a Final Evidence Report and Meeting Summary on the comparative clinical effectiveness and value of targeted immunomodulators for treatment of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. “The evidence shows that targeted immunomodulators for patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis provide considerable improvement in quality of life and ability for people to function at work, in school, and in social activities,” notes Steven D. Pearson, MD, MSc, ICER’s President, in a recent press release. “In addition, the net prices for these drugs after rebates are well aligned with the added value patients experience. As a consequence, it appears reasonable that insurers should provide more flexibility in coverage for these drugs, while at the same time it remains equally important that drug manufacturers avoid future price increases that would push more financial burden onto patients and health system budgets.”
The National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) released a statement applauding the new ICER. "The National Psoriasis Foundation is very pleased with the final recommendations and in the significant role we have played to provide input which informed the final report,” said NPF CEO Randy Beranek. “The final report accurately reflects the challenges of living with psoriatic disease and it recommends insurers expand the tools physicians have available to care for patients managing this complex disease over a lifetime." Click here to view the final report and here to view NPF’s press release.
7. CMS Hosting New Webinar Series on Measure Development
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) is hosting a new Measurement Development Webinar Series designed specifically for clinical specialty societies and patient advocacy groups. CMS will be hosting the Measure Development Series on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. Join the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on Wednesday, December 14 from 12:00 to 1:00 pm ET to learn important information about the development of patient relationship categories for the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) requirements (section 1848(r)(3)(B). This session will also provide stakeholders with the opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions about the patient relationship categories. Click here to register.
8. The Pink Sheet: Patients' View Of Drug Value Is Focus Of Avalere/FasterCures Framework
A recent article in The Pink Sheet highlights a project by Avalere and FasterCures’ to develop a Patient-Perspective Value Framework. “The patient-focused value framework for drugs, devices and diagnostics being developed by consultancy Avalere Health and research think tank FasterCures will initially aim to help inform shared decision-making between individual patients and clinicians about appropriate treatments,” the article states. “At a later time, it might have applications in population-level assessments geared toward policy makers or payer coverage decisions, according to a draft methodology report outlining plans for the framework.” Click here to view the article. (subscription required)
9. The PCORI Blog: Addressing Disparities in Health Outcomes of People With Asthma
A recent PCORI Blog post discusses disparities in health outcomes for people with Asthma. The blog post addresses a number of themes centered around the eight PCORI-funded projects on asthma, including tackling a multi-dimensional problem, improving adherence to guidelines, and building a knowledge base. Click here to view the blog post.
10. Upcoming Events and Webinars
Updating Systematic Reviews: A PCORI Virtual Multi-Stakeholder Workshop on Psychological and Pharmacological Treatments for Adults with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
December 12, 2016, 2:00PM - 4:00PM
Click here for details.
Beyond Value Frameworks: Defining the Value of Medical Innovation
December 13, 2016, 12:00pm-1:30pm ET
Click here for details.
Harmonizing Outcome Measures Using the Outcome Measures Framework – Open Door Forum
December 13, 2016, 1:00PM
Click here for details.
Getting to Know PCORI: From Application to Closeout (January 2017)
January 23 - 24, 2017, Washington Marriott Georgetown
Click here for details.
2017 National Health Policy Conference
January 30 - 31, 2017, Marriott, Marquis, Washington D.C.
Click here for details.
National Value-Based Payment and Pay for Performance Summit
March 8, 2017, San Francisco, CA
Click here for details.
11. Medical Journal Articles
Real-World Evidence — What Is It and What Can It Tell Us?, click here to view.
Characterization of Real World Treatment Patterns and Outcomes Among Older Adults with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia in the Pre Novel-Agents Era: An Analysis of the 2007-2013 SEER-Medicare Database, click here to view.
Direct Comparison of Dabigatran, Rivaroxaban, and Apixaban for Effectiveness and Safety in Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation, click here to view.
Comparative Effectiveness of Abatacept Versus Tocilizumab in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients with Prior TNFi Exposure in the US Corrona Registry, click here to view.
GRADE Methods for Guideline Development: Time to Evolve? click here to view.
Improving the Accelerated Pathway to Cancer Drug Approvals, click here to view.
Quality of Life, Overall Survival, and Costs of Cancer Drugs Approved Based on Surrogate Endpoints, click here to view.
National Health Spending: Faster Growth In 2015 As Coverage Expands And Utilization Increases, click here to view.
12. AHRQ Effective Program Updates
Medication-Assisted Treatment Models of Care for Opioid Use Disorder in Primary Care Settings -- Final Report, click here to view.
Patient Safety in Ambulatory Settings -- Final Report, click here to view.
Strategies for Improving the Lives of Women Aged 40 and Above Living With HIV/AIDS -- Final Report, click here to view.