1. #PIPCForum17: Patient Voices, Patient Value: Changing the Culture of How We Pay for Care, click here to read the recap.
2. Modern Medicine: New patient-centered tool could help measure value in healthcare, click here to read the article.
3. AJMC Survey: Survey: Disconnect in Perceptions of Healthcare Experience Among Stakeholders, click here to read the article
4. Academy Health: Working to Create More Bridges and Achieve Person-Centered Care, click here to read the blog
5. The PCORI Blog: Researchers and Stakeholders Describe Engagement Challenges and Strategies, click here to read the blog.
6. Healthcare IT News: Intermountain, Press Ganey partnership hopes to boost quality, safety, patient experience, click here to read the blog.
7. PMLiVE: Patient Involvement in Health Technology Assessment, click here to read the article.
8. JMIR Publications: Communication at Transitions – One Audacious Bite at a Time, click here to read the journal.
9. FDA Voice: New Patient Engagement Collaborative, Call for Nominations, click here to read the blog.
10. Submit 2018 Fly-Ins, Advocacy Days and Conferences to Democratic Caucus, click here to submit.
11. Upcoming Events and Webinars, see details below.
12. Medical Journal Articles, see details below.
13. AHRQ Effective Program Updates, see details below.
Health care value is being defined through new payment incentives and value standards proposed and implemented by health care payers, policy-makers, and providers, but has long discounted the inclusion of patient perspective. As part of an effort to advance a “new direction” for the government agency, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Servcies (CMS) has issued a Request for Information (RFI) seeking insights on how to better advance innovation in care and payment more representative of patient-centered care as part of the agency’s Innovation Center (CMMI). At the Partnership to Improve Patient Care’s (PIPC) 8th Annual Forum, Ms. Amy Bassano, the Acting Director of CMMI, explained how CMS might test market-driven reforms that empower beneficiaries as consumers, provide price transparency, increase choices and competition to drive quality, reduce costs, and improve outcomes.
PIPC has asked CMS to pursue reform in defining clear, consistent processes for engaging patients and other stakeholders in the development and implementation of CMMI evaluations, as well as defining and adopting detailed criteria for patient-centeredness. A panel of patient advocate experts convened by PIPC stressed that by advancing demonstrations that embody patient-centered reform and encourage individualized care, CMS can demonstrate their commitment to changing the culture of health care. Doing so will require significant engagement with patients, but will changing culture is not easy. The advocates specified that driving a culture of patient-centeredness in how we pay for health care will require CMMI to similarly mandate and enforce engagement of patients in developing, implementing, and evaluating alternative payment models. Clickhere to read the recap.
2. Modern Medicine: New patient-centered tool could help measure value in healthcare
Tracey Walker discusses the potential benefits of The Innovation and Value Initiative in a Modern Medicine Network article. “The Innovation and Value Initiative (IVI), a collaboration of academics, patient advocacy organizations, payers, life sciences companies, providers, and delivery systems, launched the Open-Source Value Project (OSVP) to develop open-sourced, flexible, transparent, and patient-centered tools to help healthcare stakeholders make scientifically-based decisions about the value of treatment and services. Unlike other value-based tools that are specific to various perspectives, it uses a data-driven, consensus-based approach to determine value by incorporating the input of all the various stakeholders in healthcare. This captures value in a richer, more nuanced way that isn’t captured by a specific viewpoint, according to Mark Linthicum, director of scientific communications at IVI.” Click here to read the article.
3. AJMC Survey: Survey: Disconnect in Perceptions of Healthcare Experience Among Stakeholders
Jaime Rosenberg notes that the Value in Health Care Survey identified how 3 key stakeholder groups (patients, physicians, and employers) define value and prioritize 3 components of the concept (quality, service, and cost). “Some have even argued that it is impossible to implement a one-size-fits-all approach to value. During The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research conference in August, Ilene Hollin, PhD, MPH, the National Pharmaceutical Council and University of Southern California Schaeffer Center’s Postdoctoral Health Policy Fellow, discussed a tailored approach to value assessment. Hollin told AJMC® that we need to tailor our approach to each stakeholder because this is what will help drive innovation and make sure future therapies are developed with what patients want in mind.” Click here to read the article.
4. Academy Health: Working to Create More Bridges and Achieve Person-Centered Care
Margo Edmund writes that AcademyHealth’s Concordium 2017 meeting focused on collaboration, communities of practice, and systems thinking to move innovations farther and faster. “...There was broad agreement on the need for new methods to communicate what works in consumer and community engagement and private partnerships, and on the need to re-engineer the research enterprise to promote values related to collaboration, data-sharing, accountability, and real-world evidence. Another strong area of agreement was the belief in the importance of multi-sector, team-oriented discussions to help co-create a data ecosystem that benefits consumers and provides incentives and career pathways for new data scientists to enter the field.” Click here to read the blog.
5. The PCORI Blog: Researchers and Stakeholders Describe Engagement Challenges and Strategies
Andrea Heckert and Lisa Stewart recapped their webinar on patient-engagement and partnership in patient centered research in The PCORI Blog. “According to surveys about PCORI-funded project experiences, an example of difficulties for partners—who can include patients, caregivers, and community partners—is understanding the language of research. For instance, we've heard from patient partners that they can get confused by acronyms or technical terms that researchers often use when speaking. Strategies for overcoming this language barrier include using plain language and offering training to understand research terminology.” Click here to read the blog.
6. Healthcare IT News: Intermountain, Press Ganey partnership hopes to boost quality, safety, patient experience
Mike Miliard reports on the Intermountain/Press Ganey collaboration aimed at boosting the patient experience. Through the integrated data platform, Press Ganey will help Intermountain identify and deploy array of reliable practices focused on improved safety outcomes, advisory services focused on patient-centered care, consumer-facing tools, workforce engagement strategies and more, officials said. "The fundamentals required to deliver extraordinary care include safety, quality, experience of caring and access supported by engaged, resilient caregivers," said Shannon Phillips, MD, chief patient experience officer at Intermountain. Click here to read the blog.
7. PMLiVE: Patient Involvement in Health Technology Assessment
Neil McGregor-Paterson writes that the development of new health technologies necessitates patient involvement at multiple points throughout the health technology assessment in PMLiVE. “Brian O'Rourke, chair of the International Network of the Agencies for Health Technology Assessment: ‘If you're not involving patients, you're not doing HTA! It's that simple. Patient involvement improves the quality, relevance and value of HTA. It is difficult to conceive of HTA being conducted in a meaningful way in the 21st century without the involvement of patients.’” Click here to read the article.
8. JMIR Publications: Communication at Transitions – One Audacious Bite at a Time
Danny van Leeuwen of Health Hats authored a journal highlighting the importance of effective patient communication. “To be audacious and take significant steps toward achieving the Quadruple Aim (improving the patient experience of care; improving the health of populations; reducing the per capita cost of health care; and improving the work life of clinicians and staff), we patients and caregivers need to better understand key features of our health journeys. When on that health journey, we are patients interacting with a series of care teams: our home team (social network), our community agency teams, our emergency care team, our hospital teams, and on and on. These care teams include ourselves, our caregivers, clinicians, other professionals, and direct care and support staff—people at the center of care.” Click here to read the journal.
9. FDA Voice: New Patient Engagement Collaborative, Call for Nominations
Nina Hunter and Rachel Sherman report that the FDA published a request for nominations to join the FDA’s patient engagement collaborative. “The PEC will provide an ongoing forum to discuss how to achieve more meaningful patient engagement in medical product development and other regulatory discussions. Topics to be discussed may include making patient engagement more systematic; how to improve transparency, education and communication; new strategies for enhancing patient engagement; and new models for patients to collaborate as partners in the medical product development and FDA review process.” Click here to read the blog.
10. Submit 2018 Fly-Ins, Advocacy Days and Conferences to Democratic Caucus
The House Democratic Whip’s office is compiling a list of fly-ins, advocacy days, and conferences that will be taking place throughout the year. This information will be shared with all House Democratic offices and used for a variety of purposes including scheduling and messaging. Click here to submit, and share with PIPC as well!
11. Upcoming Events and Webinars
PCORI Board of Governors Meeting
January 23, 2018
Click here for details.
Pragmatic Clinical Studies Applicant Town Hall - Cycle 1 2018
January 29, 2018
Click here for details.
Improving Methods PFA Applicant Town Hall - Cycle 1 2018
January 30, 2018
Click here for details.
Broad PFAs Applicant Town Hall - Cycle 1 2018
February 1, 2018
Click here for details.
Health Affairs and NPC Forum on Health Spending: Tackling The Big Issues
February 1, 2018
Click here for details.
NPC @ 2018 AcademyHealth National Health Policy Conference
February 5 - 6, 2018
Click here for details.
12. Medical Journal Articles
Toward Patient-Centered Outcomes for Cognitive Evaluations: The Perspective of Those Affected by Parkinson's Disease, clickhere to view.
Viewpoint: Funding Innovation in a Learning Health Care System, click here to view.
Including the Patient Voice in Patient-Centered Outcomes Research in Integrative Oncology, click here to view.
Patient and Provider Perspectives on Shared Decision Making: A Systematic Review of the Peer-Reviewed Literature, click here to view.
Gene Therapy: Evidence, Value and Affordability in the US Health Care System, click here to view.
Patient Value: Perspectives from the Advocacy Community, click here to view.
The Added Value of Integrate-HTA Guidance in the Work Processes of Health Technology Assessment Agencies, click here to view.
Practicalities Of Using Real-World Evidence (RWE) In Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER): Learnings From Imi-Getreal, click here to view.
The Role of Condition-Specific Preference-Based Measures in Health Technology Assessment, click here to view.
Hospital Cost Impact of Orbital Atherectomy with Angioplasty for Critical Limb Ischemia Treatment: A Modeling Approach, click here to view.
Real-World Evidence: Useful in the Real World of US Payer Decision Making? How? When? And What Studies? Click here to view.
Targeted Identification of Adverse Events in Coronary Artery Disease Patients Based on Patient-Reported Outcomes, click here to view.
Use of Patient-Reported Outcomes and Satisfaction for Quality Assessments, click here to view.
Patient-Reported Outcomes in Cancer Care — Hearing the Patient Voice at Greater Volume, click here to view.
13. AHRQ Effective Program Updates
Nonsurgical Treatments for Urinary Incontinence in Adult Women: A Systematic Review Update, click here to view.
Drug Therapy for Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Systematic Review Update, click here to view.
Effects of Dietary Sodium and Potassium Intake on Chronic Disease Outcomes and Related Risk Factors, click here to view.
Management of Insomnia Disorder - Consumer and Clinician Summaries, click here to view
Harms of First-Line Depression Treatment in Older Adults, click here to view.
Management of Renal Masses and Localized Renal Cell Carcinoma: Current State of the Evidence - Clinician Summary, click here to view.
Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation Patients: A Systematic Review Update, click here to view.
Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis in Major Orthopedic Surgery: Systematic Review Update, click here to view.
Nonsurgical Treatments for Urinary Incontinence in Adult Women: A Systematic Review Update -- Research Protocol, click here to view.
Drug Therapy for Early Rheumatoid Arthritis in Adults – An Update -- Research Protocol, click here to view.
Psychological and Pharmacological Treatments for Adults with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): A Systematic Review Update -- Research Protocol, click here to view