- Patient Partnership. Patients should be involved in every step of the value model development and dissemination process.
- Transparency to Patients. The assumptions and inputs into the value model itself – and each step in the process – should be disclosed to patients in an understandable way and in a timely fashion.
- Inclusiveness of Patients. The value model should reflect perspectives drawn from a broad range of stakeholders, including the patient community.
- Diversity of Patients/Populations. The value model should account for differences across patient subpopulations, trajectory of disease, and stage of a patient’s life.
- Outcomes Patients Care About. The outcomes integrated into the value model should include those that patients have identified as important and consistent with their goals, aspirations, and experiences.
- Patient-Centered Data Sources. The value model should rely on a variety of credible data sources that allow for timely incorporation of new information and account for the diversity of patient populations and patient-centered outcomes, especially those from real-world settings and reported by patients directly. The data sources included should reflect the outcomes most important to patients and capture their experiences to the extent possible.

NHC Patient-Centered Value Model Rubric.pdf |