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PIPC Chairman Coelho Outlines Concerns with ISPOR's Value Assessment Frameworks Initiative5/30/2017
Last Friday, Partnership to Improve Patient Care (PIPC) Chairman Tony Coelho submitted a letter to the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) Chief Science Officer Richard Willke outlining “strong” concerns about the recent draft of a U.S. Value Assessment Frameworks initiative led by ISPOR. In the letter, Chairman Coelho expresses disappointment with ISPOR’s recommendations, noting that they “do not reflect advancement as indicated to be ISPOR’s mission.” “We understand the challenge of assessing value in health care in a manner that is centered on the characteristics, needs and preferences of the individual patient versus defining value based on what is cost effective for an ‘average’ patient, and appreciate that the work that the ISPOR Special Task Force on Value Assessment has undertaken is difficult,” wrote Chairman Coelho. “That said, we have significant concerns regarding the recommendations that ISPOR outlines in its draft report.” Chairman Coelho also states: “PIPC urges ISPOR to develop and implement a process for patient engagement that reflects the best practices modeled by organizations like PCORI, FDA, and others described above. With a meaningful patient engagement infrastructure in place moving forward, PIPC is excited to continue to be an engaged stakeholder in the U.S. Value Assessment Frameworks Initiative. If ISPOR has no intention for meaningful engagement, we will focus our energy on initiatives that seek to advance a patient-centered health system.” ![]()
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