PIPC also believes that the creation of a Patient Advisory Panel within CMMI to help ensure new payment models are aligned with care that patients’ value. A Patient Advisory Panel could provide guidance to CMMI in identifying the key areas that would benefit from patient input, including APM development, model design features that will promote effective patient engagement, and metrics (e.g., patient-centered quality measures and other tools) on which to assess the success of these efforts. The Patient Advisory Panel could also assist CMMI and its contractors in the evaluation of APMs by identifying patient-centered quality measures and connect CMMI with the broader patient community to solicit input from patient organizations at all stages of CMMI’s model development, testing, and evaluation process.
Finally, PIPC supports requiring that CMS include in its quality measures plan the development of measures that focus on health outcomes that matter to patients with chronic disease. In particular, PIPC appreciates the document’s attention to the need for measures that address patient and family engagement, shared decision making, and care coordination. CMS should engage patients throughout the development and use of quality measures to ensure that quality measures reflect patient values and preferences and evolve with the standard of care.
The full comment letter is available below.

pipc_chronic_care_comments.pdf |