Overall, PIPC is concerned about the pace at which alternative payment models are being promoted and expanded, potentially in the absence of appropriate risk adjusters, quality measures, decision aids, and feedback loops. We urge a strong focus on developing this foundation in order to thoughtfully advance alternative payment models that achieve outcomes that matter to patients.
In furtherance of this goal, PIPC provides the following broad recommendations for payment and delivery of healthcare.
- Provide a meaningful voice to patients. Policymakers should establish formalized mechanisms that provide a meaningful voice to patients throughout the healthcare system.
- Prioritize policies that promote patient-centeredness and ensure new payment and delivery models do not define success as simply meeting financial targets or promote a “one-size-fits all” approach to cost-containment.
- Catalyze the development and endorsement of meaningful quality measures and ensure they are appropriately incentivized in health systems. Policymakers should recognize the need to improve the patient-centered infrastructure for measuring and rewarding improved health outcomes. There are significant gaps in quality measurement that will require expanded support for measure development and endorsement.
- Foster informed choices from the range of clinical care options through shared decision-making, transparency of the incentives (financial and otherwise) that drive care decisions, and by empowering patients with accessible, understandable evidence.
- Support patient access to high quality individualized care.

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