PIPC Chair Tony Coelho Testifies to Massachusetts Legislature Supporting Statewide QALY Ban9/20/2023
The Partnership to Improve Patient Care (PIPC) has long expressed frustration with value assessments of health care that fail to incorporate outcomes that matter to patients into their conclusions about what care may be worth. We commissioned Avalere to do a deep dive to better understand how the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) integrates patient input and preferences in its value assessments.
For Immediate Release
March 23, 2023 PIPC Chairman Tony Coelho issued the following statement on H.R. 485, the Protecting Health Care for All Patients Act. This blog was adapted from testimony delivered by PIPC Chairman Tony Coelho to Oregon's Health Evidence Review Commission (HERC) on November 17, 2022. Thank you for allowing me to testify again today. I want to start by saying I appreciate that the commission chose not to vote today on a policy to use the quality-adjusted life year. Chairman's Corner: Aligning Health Technology Assessment with Efforts to Advance Health Equity11/13/2022
As Chairman of the Partnership to Improve Patient Care (PIPC), I could not be more pleased to see the widespread emphasis among health stakeholders on advancing health equity. As stated by the Centers for Disease Control, racism is a public health crisis. It will take all facets of the health care system to address the effects of stigma and discrimination on health and access to health care. On October 6, PIPC Chair Tony Coelho testified in response to the Oregon Health Evidence Review Committee's proposed options for continuing its use of the discriminatory quality-adjusted-life-years metric. Chairman's Corner: A Step Backward — No Voice for Stakeholders in Updated Reconciliation Provisions7/14/2022
Chairman's Corner: Don’t Let Payer Investments in QALYs Undermine California’s Health Equity Goals6/21/2022
This op-ed originally appeared in Morning Consult on November 23, 2021
September 2024