This is a common expression used by Canadians awaiting access to lifesaving therapies. People in Canada often die while they await a process that seems more focused on policies than patients.
As a mother and caregiver to my daughter who lives with Cystic Fibrosis I have seen young Canadians and their families suffer while awaiting a therapy that would save them from certain death. I have spoken to families who have lost loved ones and felt their anger and grief knowing that the life of their child was less important than following policies surrounding a therapy that would save them. Far too many Canadians die of their disease while waiting for a process that does not take into account that these drugs save lives, many can’t wait.
As a parent who was one of the “lucky” ones, having accessed a lifesaving drug after 2 years, I would strongly recommend supporting methods of improving access to therapies for patients.
Canada continues to fall behind many of the developed countries around the world when it comes to providing access to lifesaving drugs due to a process that is not patient centered.
The science and innovation used to develop these drugs had the sole purpose of saving and improving lives. Please make sure they get to the patients that so desperately need them before it’s too late. Don’t let patients die waiting.