1. PIPC Chairman Tony Coelho: Strategies to Engage and Empower the Patient in Care Delivery: Just Ask the Patient, click here to view the article.
2. Morning Consult: The Great Threat of Rising Health Care Costs, click here to view the article.
3. PCORI Blog: A Learning Laboratory for Partnership Development: Initial Findings, click here to view the blog post.
4. PCORI Blog: What's New in PCORI's Cycle 2 2015 Funding Announcements: Improving Methods for Conducting Patient-Centered Outcomes Research, click here to view the blog post.
5. AJMC Videos: Improving Data Availability; Determining Value for Breakthrough Therapies, click here and here to view the videos.
6. University of Maryland: CER and PCOR Summer Institute 2015, see details below.
As PIPC Chairman Tony Coelho explains in a recent op-ed for Morning Consult, “There’s a lot of talk right now about moving health care towards value-based payment models. But will these new models reward care that patients actually value? Maybe. It depends, first and foremost, on bringing patients into the conversation and giving them a meaningful voice… Last month, we hosted a Roundtable Discussion featuring seventeen patient advocate leaders that focused on identifying ways to build a patient-centered healthcare system that is evaluated upon metrics that are important to the patient. What emerged from this discussion was a remarkable consensus on commonsense, workable approaches that can ensure that the widespread adoption of alternative payment models (APMs) will serve to empower patients and draw them towards the center of care delivery.”
“Foremost among our Roundtable’s recommendations is the recognition that the transition towards new models of payment and delivery presents a unique opportunity to involve patients further in their own care. The value of alternative payment models involves more than payment; it must also encompass a definition of value for patients… HHS should develop more transparent procedures that elicit input and guidance from patients to understand how to better align mandates and incentives to support patient engagement, driving health systems to change behavior and culture toward effective engagement… the Roundtable recommended that HHS create a Coordinating Council on Patient Engagement for agencies to share their experiences in patient engagement and collaborate on best practices… [HHS] should consider adding patient-centered outcome measures to the electronic infrastructure that supports health systems… Finally, the Roundtable noted that an increase in accountability for patient engagement is required in accountable care organizations (ACOs) and other APMs.” Click here to view the article.
2. Morning Consult: The Great Threat of Rising Health Care Costs
In a recent editorial published in Morning Consult, Dan Durham, the Interim CEO of America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), comments, “Many factors are driving up health care costs: specialty drug costs are rising at unsustainable rates, and in a few years, their costs alone will eclipse the total we spend today on all prescription drugs. Moreover, provider consolidation is increasing the cost of medical services for families and employers across the country… The American Board of Internal Medicine's Choosing Wisely campaign helps patients and physicians ask smart questions about the appropriateness of various tests and treatments, thus improving quality and affordability. The American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) has launched an effort to better correlate price to value in cancer medicines, and notable cancer doctors are speaking out about what they see as the disconnect between drug pricing and value. And by partnering with providers to fundamentally change the way we deliver and pay for care, health plans are leading the way to a truly patient-centered health system.” Clickhere to view the article.
3. PCORI Blog: A Learning Laboratory for Partnership Development: Initial Findings
PCORI’s Kristen Konopka, MPH, Courtney Clyatt, MA, MPH, Melanie Thompson, MPH, and Susan Sheridan, MBA, MIM, DHL commented last week on The PCORI Blog, “We developed PCORI's Pipeline to Proposal initiative, which invests in individuals and small groups that are not usually involved in traditional research activities but propose to build partnerships around a specific healthcare topic. The idea is to facilitate and nurture new partnerships that will ultimately result in applications for patient-centered CER studies. Our longer-term goal is to build a national community of patients, other stakeholders, and researchers who have the expertise and passion to participate in patient-centered outcomes research.” Click here to view the blog post.
4. PCORI Blog: What's New in PCORI's Cycle 2 2015 Funding Announcements: Improving Methods for Conducting Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
In a recent post on The PCORI Blog, Dr. Jason Gerson and other’s from PCORI address changes to the Cycle 2 2015 announcement related to improving methods for conducting patient-centered outcomes research: “In this cycle, we are prioritizing research on methods related to study designs, including projects that foster improvements in study design to address comparative effectiveness questions. Research areas of interest include methods related to cluster-randomized trials, adaptive trials, registries, recruitment and retention, complex interventions, and medical devices and diagnostic tests.” Click here to view the blog post.
5. AJMC Videos: Improving Data Availability; Determining Value for Breakthrough Therapies
The American Journal of Managed Care (AJMC) recently published a new video in which Dr. Christine K. Cassel, president and CEO of the National Quality Forum, discusses improving healthcare data availability. “Real-time clinical data is exactly what [Dr. Cassel] believes will drive improvement in the industry. She suggests that the world of value-based purchasing needs to quickly adopt the use of electronic health records and their ability to share data around a single patient. With interoperable, patient-centered data comes the increasing need for analytic skills to understand the data, explains Dr Cassel.” Click here to view the video.
In another AJMC video, Dr. Dana Goldman discusses determining value for breakthrough therapies. Dr. Goldman “suggests that value for breakthrough therapies is most often associated with health benefits, health economics, and outcomes research; however, there are other sources of value that have not been taken into account yet. For example, there is value in curing a disease because it not only impacts the patient but also anyone the patient may have come in contact with, including caregivers and family members.” Click here to view the video.
6. University of Maryland: CER and PCOR Summer Institute 2015
The first annual CER-PCOR Summer Institute brings a wide range of stakeholders together to broaden their knowledge on the burgeoning field of CER-PCOR. The five-day Institute is designed for researchers, clinicians, policymakers, patient advocacy groups, faculty, and students. Participants will gain the fundamentals needed to incorporate CER-PCOR into their every-day work environment. Engaging and Informative sessions will span a broad range of topics:
- Day 1: Fundamentals of CER-PCOR
- Day 2: Patient & Stakeholder Engagement
- Day 3: CER-PCOR Research Methods
- Day 4: Health Outcome Measurement
- Day 5: Translation, Dissemination, and Implementation